Dr. Marilyn Gaull

1937 - 2019

Professor . Publisher . Editor . Author . Feminist


broken ceilings

Professor Marilyn Gaull: A Personal Tribute by Bysshe Inigo Coffey.

Dr. Marilyn Gaull Tribute: by Professor Archie Burnett; Co-director of the Editorial Institute. 

Marilyn Gaull: A Tribute: by Professor James McKusick; President of the Wordsworth-Coleridge Association.

The Quintessential Humanism of Dr. Marilyn Gaull: by Professor Ateeb Gul; Boston University

Remembering Marilyn Gaull: by Professor Laura Dabundo ; Kennesaw State University

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“English Romanticism: The Human Context”: Professor Gaull begins her survey with a section entitled" The Human Context," in which she explores the literary marketplace, children's literature and education, the theater, economics, and the idea of the hero. In the next group of chapters, generally titled "The Illusion of History," she investigates how the Romantics invented the past, studied natural history and its illusion, and created the ideas of the gothic and of the bards. Her final section is "The Experimental Arts," with chapters studying the age's poetry, painting, and science.

The Wordsworth Circle: Established by Dr. Marilyn Gaull in 1970, publishing contemporary studies of literature, culture, and society in Great Britain, Europe, and North America during the Romantic period from about 1760–1850.

The Wordsworth Summer Conference: Created in 1970 by Richard Wordsworth, the great-great grandson of the poet and Dr. Marilyn Gaull.

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the lost essay

Dr. Gaull lived in Battery Park City, a beautiful area at the base of the World Trade Towers. On 9/11, this five-foot tall New Yorker turned left, instead of right on her way to NYU.

Her reasoning? It was a beautiful day.

When Dr. Gaull passed from lung cancer in 2019, due to exposure on 9/11, her daughter was reading thru her mothers many writings, and came across this untitled document. It was a haunting, powerful account of what happened to Dr. Gaull on that day.

Her daughter decided to share this powerful recount, unedited here.

She welcomes any insights, stories and/or memories you might have of her mother thru Dr. Gaull’s monitored email: Marilyn.Gaull@gmail.com